CPS is partnering with CDPHE on the Medication Takeback Program 


Too many Coloradoans have unused and expired over-the-counter (OTC) and prescription drugs sitting around at home. These medications-particularly prescription drugs-pose a threat to youth (creating an easy entry point to prescription drug abuse). Additionally, when medications are improperly disposed of, (i.e. throwing them in the trash or flushing them down the drain) they pollute our water and environment and pose a safety hazard to animals and people This is why it’s essential to get unused medications out of the home and disposed of properly, through the Colorado Department of Public health and Environment’s (CPHE) Medication Takeback Program. We are requesting your help to promote the Medication Takeback Program to your community. Let’s work together to protect our children, community, and environment.

Learn More
Medication Dropoff Locations