Get Involved in CPS
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Committees | Task Forces | Academies
Serving on a CPS committee gives you the opportunity to directly engage in the profession and association. Share your experience, expertise and passion to help the association better serve its members and advance the profession. Committee involvement is also a great opportunity to create connections with colleagues across the state. Each year, CPS leaders select pharmacists, residents, and pharmacy technicians from a variety of practice settings to serve on the committees below.
Current Volunteer Opportunities
- Communications Committee - Committee members support the committee’s focus areas of website management, social media, and the CPS newsletter. Specifically, members help create content for social media posts, review the CPS website for accuracy and updates, and optimize the newsletter. Focus areas for this year are member engagement, workplace conditions, and diversity, equity and inclusion.
- Legislative Committee - Committee members have an interest and passion for advocacy and are willing to understand legislative issues, and the impact those issues may have on pharmacy practice.
- Membership Committee - The committee is responsible for retaining membership and growing the organization. Committee members engage current membership and identify opportunities to grow CPS based on the needs of all parts of the pharmacy community.
- Continuing Education Committee - Committee members identify timely topics of interest to members and help contact and arrange speakers for the programs.
- Executive Committee
- Finance Committee
- Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Advisory Committee - Committee members have an active voice in shaping how DEI is fostered within CPS and the profession of pharmacy. Current activities include creating DEI-related content for the CPS e-newsletter, identifying relevant speakers for upcoming conferences, and proactively addressing needs within the organization.
- CPS Annual Meeting Planning Committee - Committee members help to identify topics, speakers, and plan fun networking activities for the CPS Annual Meeting. We ask members to act as a liaison to the speakers and encourage attendance at the Annual Meeting to introduce the speaker you have been working with (attendance is not a requirement to participate in the committee). Active members receive discounts on future meetings.
- CPS Winter Meeting Planning Committee - Winter Meeting Committee members meet once per month from July - January. Members help identify topics and speakers for the Winter meeting, review and offer feedback for speaker presentations, assist with introducing speakers at the Winter meeting, and assist with obtaining prizes and donations for the meeting. Active members receive discounts on future meetings.
- Workplace Conditions and Wellbeing Taskforce - Taskforce members collaborate to identify relevant issues that affect all areas of pharmacy practice, provide recommendations and resources to support our pharmacy teams and wellbeing through collaboration with the CPS Board and other relevant external stakeholders.
If you have other ideas, we would love to hear those too! CPS always needs people who have skills in fundraising, marketing, social media, advocacy, technology, partnerships, and anything else you can think of. If you have an area of clinical expertise we can utilize, let us know that too! We always want to hear about new things YOU think we should be involved in.